Beautiful goals in a tepid match
Folha de S. Paulo - São Paulo - SP - Brazil
Folha de S. Paulo - São Paulo - SP - Brazil
Brazil: a cold debut
O Estado de S. Paulo - São Paulo - SP - Brazil
So much secret for this?
O Globo - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil
Won. But why the hard times?
Jornal do Brasil - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil
Estado de Minas - Belo Horizonte - MG - Brazil
Was it little? That's Dunga's Seleção.
(with a lot of secret training)
Correio Braziliense - Brasília - DF - Brazil
With Dunga's face
Jornal da Tarde - São Paulo - SP - Brazil
Maicon's beautiful goal
in a brightless debut
Agora São Paulo - São Paulo - SP - Brazil
Hard times + relief = Doubt
Diário Catarinense - Florianópolis - SC - Brazil
We want more
Diário de Pernambuco - Recife - PE - Brazil
Wake up, Dunga!
O Dia - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil
Dekakadent victory
Extra - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil
How hard!
Diário do Comércio - São Paulo - SP - Brazil
A Tribuna - Santos - SP - Brazil
Gotta improve
O Tempo - Belo Horizonte - Brazil
Come, elephants
Super Notícia - Belo Horizonte - MG - Brazil
Even Dunga recognizes:
the Seleção needs to play better
O Povo - Fortaleza - CE - Brazil
Victory in Dunga's way
Diário de Natal - Natal - RN - Brazil
We want more
Diário da Borborema - Campina Grande - PB - Brazil
We won the first match
Diário do Pará - Belém - PA - Brazil
Brazil, small fantasy and
hard work in the triumph over Korea
La Nacion - Buenos Aires - Argentina
Foul's Korea
Olé - Buenos Aires - Argentina
Brazil won without
brightness in the debut
El Territorio - Posadas - Argentina
Brazil celebrated
a debut full of doubts
Misiones - Posadas - Argentina
Goal is the great absent in South Africa 2010
El Mercurio - Santiago - Chile
Brazil defeats North Korea
with Maicon's talent
El País - Madrid - Spain
Spain starts as favourite,
but calls for prudence
La Vanguardia - Barcelona - Spain
We lacked courage for more
Público - Lisbon - Portugal
Buffon's dramma, goodbye World Cup
La Repubblica - Rome - Italy
In risk of loosing Buffon
Gazzetta Dello Sport - Milan - Italy
Empty places in the
stadiums of the World Cup
Die Presse - Vienna - Austria
Switzerland faces the favourites
Tages Anzeiger - Vienna - Austria
Brazil, just 2 : 1!
Heute - Vienna - Austria
Brazil, the recordist in the
World Cup,
with a perfect debut
Vorarlberger Nachichten - Vorarlberg - Austria
Karfitsa - Tessalonik - Greece
Brazil, just an anxious victory
Liechtensteiner Vaterland - Vaduz - Liechtenstein
Elano e Bastos dancing samba,
in the debut of the favourites in the World Cup
Gazeta Wyborcza - Warsaw - Poland
Slovaks, like
couldn't match
Mladá Fronta DNES - Prague - Czech Republic
The goalkeeper Ján Mucha,
after suffering a goal
Lidové Noviny - Prague - Czech Republic
Brazil, the favourite
Népszabadság - Budapest - Hungary
Dnevnik Daily - Sofia - Bulgaria
The Namibian - Windhoek - Namibia
Brazil is imposing,
without shine
without shine
L'Orient Le Jour - Beirut - Lebanon
A tough match - Brazilians
defeats the resistant North Koreans
Haaretz - Tel Aviv - Israel
Yedioth Ahronoth - Tel Aviv - Israel
Jam-e-Jam - Tehran - Iran
Essahafa - Tunis - Tunisia
The Dong-a Ilbo - Seoul - South Korea
Asahi Shimbun - Tokyo - Japan
Okada shifts focus to next match
The Japan Times - Tokyo - Japan
Aajkaal - Kolkata - India
Chongqing Times - Chongqing - China
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